After the pendemic ends

                        What's next
Most of us being locked inside our own houses have never thought about this situation in their whole life. May be ,like me,you are also into watching disaster or  futuristic movies, where people are living in a post-apocalyptic world without any rules or government and everyone is just trying to survive, even then I never thought anything like that will occur in my lifetime.                                                .
   So here we are living in a "kind of" apocalypse and I am very much hopeful that most of us if not all of us will outlive this crisis and will keep on contributing towards our society. It is best time to give a thought about what happens next.
So the epidemiologists have been predicting a pandemic and they stand corrected. The whole world was caught by "surprise"( which here means a total and absolute failure on behalf of government) and just shutdown everything which is a panic move, yet effective mostly.But now we are entering phase two.
After there will be (fingers crossed) a decline in new cases and number of deaths ,for most of the world that would be a couple of months, so whenever this happens governments will rush into normalizing everything, and there will again a panic buying and in some places a resurgence owing to most people being complacent, which will result in area-wise lockdowns or mandatory social distancing enforced by law.
In terms of relationships,those who are single or not living together, there's bad news for them their solitary existence is going to be a little longer.

 Unemployment is going to stay at higher levels and there will be a slow recovery if any on economic front, so don't quit your job because you have fears regarding safety from virus as government is not going to handout checks for long.
  In terms of corona, there will be cases but not in clusters like now, government will push for self-payed tests and any one positive will be isolated along with close contacts, may be in "safe houses".
    'Special response' units will be formed  consisting medics, paramedics, law enforcement and secret agency personals. These teams will trace all the contacts of affected person and will "take care" of  all the contacts, until they are virus free.
So in coming months if a colleague or neighbor or someone you know suddenly disappears ,they are most probably in quarantine and it is possible  that they will not be allowed to interact even on social media for the purpose of public safety and creation of a sense of everything being in control.


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