Iran a plea to humanity

Iran a plea to humanity.

Most of the globe is fighting to contain and slow the spread of pandemic, though everyone is doing it a little different but most of basic concepts are same, stop people from spreading virus by lock-downs and social distancing, treat the very sick and hope for the best.

For most of us this is, at least comforting, if not anything else. We are hopeful to get rid of this crisis sooner than we expect and continue to live our lives happily ever after.
Not so fast, remember the term global village, yes it is very relevant now especially after the virus spread patterns. So invites global village if we want to succeed, we do it together otherwise there will be no end of this monstrous epidemic.
That's said, there are those nations that are equipped with best of the technology and facilities medical field and still struggling, then what will be the scenario in countries like Iran.
Iran living under crippling sanctions, lacks most of the basic structure to provide routine healthcare, don't even think about coping with this crisis as it is evident by the official death figures which I'm sure are just a fraction of actual figures and the problem is just going to compound itself in coming days.
So for the safety of ourselves and our loved ones, there is an urgent need of lifting of sanctions or some kind of aid package aimed to help people of Iran survive this epidemic.


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