Tougher times are ahead.

Tougher times are ahead.

I'm sure you have seen movies  like "28 days later" ,where a post apocalyptic world is portrayed and everybody is in hiding and afraid of unknown. Well, just look outside your window its the realisation of those type of movies and to be frank, its scarier than any horror movie. On one hand, you are hopeful that it is temporary and you will survive this catastrophe but  on the other hand when you turn on your t.v. or social media or visit local markets, all these things scare hell out of you.
    Let me admit that with every passing day my self confidence is thinning and I'm in need of some sort  emotional support, like many of us. So here it is, don't panic, there is a silver lining, we will survive this and keep on living our meaningless lives even after everyone would have forgotten about corona, but that would be a whole lot of different world, where nobody can enjoy the luxury of trusting others.
  I'm hopeful that you folks have learned some lessons from the last recession and have some sort of saving, because its gonna be very long and very hard couple of months. Despite government best efforts to resort calm, the panic is deep rooted and mistrust towards establishment is tremendous after the last recession.
     Let's be honest all the stimulus package and support funds will be given to the very big and very large organizations, which are"too big to fail" .
      While there Will be huge rise in unemployment and lower middle and lower class are the ones how will feel the full extent of this crisis, yet there is no incentive or support package for them.
   Here is a crazy thought  why not start a rationing system for the unfortunate and unemployed. Or why not promote urban farming of essential ingredients which can be grown in small containers. Or why not show solidarity and keep informed about your neighborhood regarding who is ill,starving or in need of assistance, so you have something to tell your kids and grandkids instead of just surviving you did some heroics too.


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